Restorative Beauty


Tooth Whitening - Brighten and whiten your teeth from years of discoloration and staining.

Dental Veneers - We custom make each dental veneer and attach them to chipped or crooked teeth to achieve a whole looking smile.

Dental Implants - Permanent metal implants designed to replace missing teeth.

Dental Crowns - Custom crowns are used to address numerous specific teeth issues.

Tooth Colored Fillings - Fillings that blend in with the natural colors of your teeth.

Partial Dentures - A natural looking and removable dental appliance to restore areas of missing or broken teeth.

Complete Dentures - A complete and removable dental appliance to revive a healthy smile.

Invisalign - Transparent aligners that adjust teeth overtime.

Cosmetic Beauty

At Lee Branch Dental Studio, we want you to look and feel your best all year. A beautiful smile and proper skin care can go a long way to boost confidence. Let our team help you choose the right cosmetic enhancements and skin care products for your needs.

Skin Care products - When it comes to overall beauty care, using the right skin care products on a daily basis can make all the difference.

Botox - Botox injections smooth fine lines and wrinkles to achieve a more youthful appearance.

Juvaderm - Another facial filler used to decrease facial line visibility and create a refreshed look.
